Bake a birthday cake that says it all!
Birthdays don't always have to be days of planned happiness, ending with a disappointing victoria sponge covered in soggy
iced footballs. Why not get involved and inject a bit of joy into the whole thing with our Happy Birthday Cake silicon
The mould creates the cake that says it all - And implies you put a lot more effort into it than you actually did! because
if you want to, you can use it to microwave the perfect cake in 6 minutes! But we won't tell anyone if you don't (Don't
worry though the mould is heatproof up to 300 degrees should you want to do it the old fashioned way in the oven).
Made from food grade silicon and including a recipe embossed onto the rim. You'll never need to eat a soggy football again!
How to make a cake!
Mix 100g (4oz) butter and 100g (4oz) sugar until smooth and creamy. Beat 2 eggs and sieve 100g (4oz) self raising flour. Mix
eggs and flour gradually into butter and sugar mixture. Place mixture in cake mould and put in pre heated oven at 190 C,
(gas mark 5) for 20-25 mins. Decorate, put candles in and eat!
