The alarm clock that plays MP3s as it rolls away!
Meet Clocky's tech saavy brother, Tocky. Just like Clocky, Tocky will jump from your nightstand and roll away to get you out of bed. With
Tocky, there's never a dull morning. He's outted with a microphone so that you can record your own sounds. Wake-up to your mom's voice
calling you to get up even when you're 3000 miles away. Tocky can also upload MP3s. Listen to your favorite tracks as they roll around
your room! Tocky's a breeze to use with his touch sensitive interface. Just spin your ?nger around the dial to change the time or the
track. Patent pending.
Stats show that 40% of people ‘abuse’ the snooze. Typical alarm clocks just don’t work very well. Ours never lets you oversleep again. If
you snooze, Tocky will jump off of your nightsand, and run around , determined to get you out of bed. Tocky’s outfitted with a built-in
microphone so that you can record personal wake-up messages. In addition, Tocky can upload MP3s. Wake up to your favorite tracks rolling
around your room!
Rolls away on carpet or wood.
Durable! Jumps from 3 feet high.
Uploads up to 2 hours of MP3s.
Records up to 6 hours of personal wake-up messages.
Intuitive touch sensitive controls let you spin dial to change time.
Colorful skins to match room decor.
Demonstrable with 'demo' mode.
Alarm time visible from home screen.
Option to turn off rolling to use as a conventional alarm clock.
Compact size: 3.25†in diameter.